Oak Shores Fire Brigade

July 15, 2024

Dear Oak Shores Community Members and Brigade Supporters:

We are pleased and grateful to announce that, thanks to the generosity of your donations, we were able to complete the purchase of the fully-equipped Type VI Brush Truck. This truck will enable us to respond to all types of emergencies. Its pickup size makes it well suited to navigate some of our narrow and steep streets for medical emergencies. Whereas, our full size Type III fire engine is better suited for larger fires. The brush truck is equipped with a 200-gallon water tank, electric hose reel, fire hoses and radios.

On the training front, Kathy Schaefer, Brigade Fire Chief/Paramedic and Trey Robertson, Assistant Fire Chief/EMT recently completed a “Train-the-Trainer” course to become certified by SLO County Emergency Medical Services Agency as Instructors to teach Public Safety First Aid to our members. This means that Brigade Volunteers and Code Enforcement personnel will receive the same basic emergency medical training possessed by Cal Fire firefighters. This training will be provided by the Brigade at no charge. We have worked closely with SLO County EMS Agency to meet their training requirements and protocols to become a recognized member of the county’s EMS system. This 21-hour medical training will occur at the Clubhouse on August 2- 4, 2024. Anyone who is interested in taking this medical training should contact Trey Robertson at trobertson@osvfb.org.

It’s important to remember that your Fire/Medical Brigade relies on your donations to cover ongoing operational expenses, including insurance premiums, purchasing medical supplies, and training. To sustain our operations and ensure we can provide the highest level of professional and dedicated service to each of you, we need your continued support. Please remember that the Brigade has been issued an exemption from the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3), allowing donors to deduct contributions under IRC Section 170. You can visit our website to view a list of our major donors and to make and tax deductible donation. https://osvfb.org/

Once again, thank you for your generosity, unwavering support, and commitment to making our community a safer place for all.

Warm regards,

Steve Hoctor

Vice President, OSVFMB

Jasmine Duncan

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